ERA 6K @ IHSG: analisis TRADING warteg ot C (26 Desember 2018): evaluasi 2016-2017-2018

Strategi @ 5 SAHAM yang TURUN harga neh (FLDTT): asii, jsmr, indy, bumi n UNVR (17 Januari 2018 s/d 19 Oktober 2018): untuk mengangkat jumlah LOT saat EKSPEKTASI MUSIMAN @ bulan NOVEMBER n DESEMBER yang biasanya ditandai oleh kenaekan IHSG @ window dressing. Mari berinvestasi n bertrading demi tujuan jangka menengah n pendek setidaknya s/d Desember 2018. 

tren harga saham ASII lebe meyakinkan daripada JSMR di penghujung taon (periode 2013-2017). 

tren harga saham BBRI dalam periode 18 Januari 2018 s/d 16 November 2018 (YTD) tetap DI ATAS AVG (rerata harga BELI) @ 2597

terbukti tetap BERLABA neh ya 

bahkan sjak 26 Maret 2018, tren harga saham relatif stabil di atas 2597 (simak ada penyesuaian berdasarkan aksi korporasi, antara laen, pembagian dividen n stock splits)

per tgl 26 Des 2018:


per tgl 20 Des 2018:

per tgl 19 Des 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows:
JO sadar dalam berinvestasi saham: ADA PERGERAKAN HARGA. tapi juga ada PERGERAKAN JUMLAH LOT. JO menambah lage ada PERGERAKAN MASUK n KELUAR saham k PORTOFOLIO saham JO. 3 pergerakan ini yang menentukan potential gain% : tren harga, tren jumlah lot n tren LABA POTENSIAL (selisih harga tutup n harga AVG dalam persentase). 


per tgl 18 Des 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows:

tuh liat dalam periode 03 Desember 2018 s/d 18 Desember 2018, portofolio saham inves JO bergerak ttap POSITIF bahkan saat IHSG gonzang ganzing neh : 


PER TGL 17 Des 2018:
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows:

per tgl 14 Des 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 13 Des 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results@ my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 

per tgl 12 Des 2018:

per tgl 11 Des 2018:


per tgl 10 Desember 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 07 Desember 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows:

per tgl 06 Desember 2018 : 
@ THE END of the trading day, the trading results of  my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 

per tgl 05 Desember 2018 (hari Sinterklaas):
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks of warteg ot C (even compared to previous results of 2016, 2017), as follows: 

per tgl 04 Desember 2018 (pra Sinterklas): 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 30 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 

dibandingkan PERSEN LABA n JUMLAH LOT portofolio saham inves JO per tgl 04 Januari 2017, maka persen laba n jumlah LOT saham portofolio JO per tgl 30 November 2018 neh sbb: 

walo GONJANG-GANJING @ IHSG, ekh, portofolio saham inves JO ttap naek labanya n jumlah lotnya


per tgl 29 Nov 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 28 Nov 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 27 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results @ my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 

tren harga saham2 yang JO inves tuh, yang masuk golongan berskorsubtotal warna kuning: TERTINGGI tren kenaekannya, terutama indy, mapi, myor, n CPIN


per tgl 26 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows:

per tgl 23 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows; in comparison the  portfolios on the past, it looks healthy, though the total stocks  asset value is lower a little bit (less than 1% compared to the April portfolios): 

The health of my portofolios based on 2 factors: rise number of LOTs, n rise of CASH values. I may conclude that the trading strategies and investing pattern of my stock portfolios are working. FLDTT, FLDTN, switching stocks between portfolios and the long term investments are making me money for more and more. 


per tgl 22 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 21 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 19 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 16 Nov 2018: 

@ the middle of the trading day, the whole stocks gain nicely : 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


tgl 15 Nov 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 14 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 

per tgl 13 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 12 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 09 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 08 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 06 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 

per tgl 05 Nov 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 02 Nov 2018: 


@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows:


per tgl 01 November 2018: 
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C,as follows: 

per tgl 31 Okt 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


tgl 30 Okt 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


tgl 26 Okt 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 25 Okt 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 24 Okt 2018: 


per tgl 23 Okt 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks@ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 22 Okt 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 19 Okt 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 18 Oktober 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows:


per tgl 17 Okt 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 16 Okt 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 
since June 19, 2017 the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C are : the rise of the number of LOTS, the rise of the accumulative amount of stocks price (total scores), amid the fluctuative trends of IHSGs. 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks  @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 12 Okt 2018: 

@ the end of the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 11 Okt 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks@ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 10 Okt 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 09 Okt 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 08 Okt 2018: 

@ THE end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 05 Okt 2018: 

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 


per tgl 04 Okt 2018 (balek dari Geopark Ciletuh, lage):
@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows:


per tgl 02 Okt 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows:


per tgl 01 Okt 2018:

@ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 



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