ERA 6K @ ihsg: analisis TRADING warteg JO @ otC (28 September 2018)
per tgl 28 Sep 2018: @ THE end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: dibandingkan Nilai Aset Saham total (NAS) dan Laba Potensial (LaPo, potensi laba) antara per tgl 03 Sep 2018 dan 28 September 2018, sbb (naek seh laba potensialnya): 🍊 per tgl 27 Sep 2018: 🌹 per tgl 26 Sep 2018: @ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 🌸 per tgl 25 September 2018: @ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 🍅 per tgl 21 Sep 2018: @ the middle of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: @ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follows: 🌸 per tgl 20 Sep 2018: @ the end of the trading day, the trading results of my whole stocks @ warteg ot C, as follo...